Cowal Golf Club, Dunoon
The AGM was held on Saturday the 2nd March and the new Committee was confirmed.
For 2024 the Committee members have the following roles and responsibilities:
Club Captain - Davie Galloway
Club Vice-Captain - Donald MacKay
Match & Handicap - Liam O'Loughlin
Greens Convenor - John Blincow
Finance Convenor - Iain Cairns
Greens assistance - Andrew Laycock, David Gillan
Match & Handicap assistance - Scott Marshall and Michael Lauder
Projects - James English, George Macdonald
Website and social media - Kevin Cowieson
General Administration - Donald MacKay, Iain Cairns, Michael Lauder, Scott Marshall
The regular newsletter (see link below) will report on Committee business, including meeting updates and general information. If you have anything you would like raised at the next committee meeting, don't hesitate to talk to any of the committee.
Minutes from the AGM will be emailed out to members shortly.
Our reigning Club Champion
Chris Carson